Hi there,
My name is Nicole Jones, and I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I grew up believing football is a way of life, crawfish season is the only season and the best things that life has to offer are the things only Louisianans can pronounce. I received my degree in mass communication with an emphasis in public relations from LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication and currently work for The Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge.
I had been interested in pursuing a degree in public relations since high school, and began my career early into my freshman year of college. My first job in the field was at Kevin Harris Architect, LLC, as the office’s communication and front desk coordinator. I created, scheduled and published blogs and social media posts for the firm. This job instilled in me a passion for classical architecture, web editing and content creation.
Other than taking on the social media and marketing responsibilities for the firm, I was also tasked to help manage membership and plan events for the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Louisiana Chapter. ICAA is the country's largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to classical architecture and the allied arts.
Though the field of architecture had a special place in my heart, I was met with the opportunity to apply for a job at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Baton Rouge's premier cancer facility. Since my mother was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, it had been a dream of mine to work in a cancer hospital and give back to a community that gave so much to me. At MBP, I created and updated the organization's intranet, flyers and social media content. I also wrote press releases and blog posts about all of MBP's affiliate locations within Louisiana.
In September 2019, I began my job at the Diocese of Baton Rouge as the Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Programs within the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. My responsibilities included planning events on a diocesan level, promoting the events to youth ministers and parishes within the Diocese and executing the logistics of events. Some of these events included Theology on Tap, Trivia on Tap, Red Stick Catholic Fest and Sanctus Nights. I also functioned as the administrator for all of Red Stick Catholics' social media pages in addition to organizing and editing submissions for "The Well" weekly reflection series.
In the fall of 2020, I was appointed to the diocesan web committee to assist in transitioning the diocesan website to a newer, more updated model. The updated website was so well received that it was named as one of the best diocesan websites in the country. Through working on the diocesan website committee, my desire to pursue a full-time communications job was reawakened.
In September 2021, I was named the first digital media manager of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. My responsibilities include content creation for all of the diocese's digital platforms, working with major stakeholders on diocesan campaigns, branding, website editing, photography and videography. Though my day-to-day work varies, my reason for continuing my work remains the same: I have the gift and privilege to proclaim the Gospel each day using the Transcendentals of Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
When I'm not at work, I love to spend my time creating new things. Whether it be illustrating, baking or even making Spotify playlists, I am always finding ways to express myself and ultimately share my creativity with others.